Thursday, May 13, 2021

Min | Egyptian God | Britannica

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Jump to navigation Jump to search MinThe dark-skinned fertility god Min, with an erect penis and a flailName in hieroglyphs Major cult middleQift, AkhmimSymbolthe lettuce, the phallus, the bullParentsIsisConsortIabet Repyt Isis

Min (Egyptian mnw[1]) is an historic Egyptian god whose cult originated within the predynastic length (4th millennium BCE).[2] He was once represented in many different forms, but was most regularly represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm conserving a flail.

Myths and function

Part of a series onAncient Egyptian faith Beliefs Afterlife Duat Ma'at Mythology Numerology Philosophy Soul Practices Funerals Offering formulation Temples Pyramids Deities (list)Ogdoad Amun Amunet Hauhet Heh Kauket Kek Naunet NuEnnead Atum Geb Isis Nephthys Nut Osiris Set Shu TefnutA Aker Akhty Ammit Am-heh Anat Andjety Anhur Anput Anubis Anuket Apedemak Apep Apis Apt Aqen Arensnuphis Ash Assessors Astarte Aten


Babi Banebdjedet Bastet Bat Bata Ba-Pef Bennu Bes Buchis


Cavern deities




Four sons of Horus Duamutef Hapi Imset Qebehsenuef


Gate deities


Ha Hapi Hathor Hatmehit Hedetet Hedjhotep Heka Hemen Hemsut Heqet Hermanubis Hesat Horus Heryshaf Hu


Iabet Iah Iat Ihy Imentet Imhotep Iunit Iusaaset


Kebechet Khensit Khenti-Amentiu Khenti-kheti Khepri Kherty Khnum Khonsu Kothar-wa-Khasis


Maahes Ma'at Mandulis Medjed Mafdet Mehen Mehet-Weret Mehit Menhit Meret Meretseger Meskhenet Min Mnevis Montu Mut


Nebethetepet Nebtuwi Nefertem Nehebkau Nehmetawy Neith Nemty Nekhbet Neper


Pakhet Petbe Ptah


Qebui Qetesh


Ra Raet-Tawy Rem Renenutet Renpet Repyt Resheph


Sah Satis Sekhmet Seker Serapis Serket Seshat Shai Shed Shesmetet Shezmu Sia Sobek Sopdet Sopdu Souls of Pe and Nekhen


Tatenen Taweret Tayt Ta-Bitjet Tenenet Thoth Hermes Trismegistus Tjenenyet Tutu




Wadjet Wadj-wer Weneg Wepset Wepwawet Werethekau Wosret Locations Aaru Benben Duat Land of Manu The Indestructibles Symbols and objects Aani Abtu Ankh Atef Atet Book of Thoth Cartouche Crook and flail Deshret Djed Egyptian obelisk Egyptian pool Eye of Horus Eye of Ra Griffin Hedjet Hemhem crown Hennu Hieracosphinx Imiut fetish Khepresh Kneph Matet boat Medjed Menat Nebu Nemes Neshmet Ouroboros Pschent Scarab Seqtet boat Serekh Serpopard Set animal Shen ring Sphinx Tyet Uraeus Ushabti Was-sceptre Winged sun Texts Funerary texts (Amduat • Books of Breathing • Book of Caverns • Book of the Dead • Book of the Earth • Book of Gates) Related religions Atenism Hermeticism Thelema Kemeticism (Kemetic Orthodoxy • Church of the Most High Goddess)  Ancient Egypt portalvte Min in a aid from the reign of Thutmose III from Deir el-Bahari[3]

Min's cult started and used to be centered round Coptos (Koptos) and Akhmim (Panopolis) of higher Egypt,[4] where in his honour nice festivals had been held celebrating his "coming forth" with a public procession and presentation of choices.[2] His different associations come with the eastern barren region and links to the god Horus. Flinders Petrie excavated two large statues of Min at Qift which are actually in the Ashmolean Museum and it's concept by some that they're pre-dynastic. Although now not discussed by identify, a reference to "he whose arm is raised in the East" within the Pyramid Texts is believed to refer to Min.[5]

Head of the god Min-Amun wearing the double plume. Possibly reign of Tutankhamun, 14th century BCE. From Koptos (Qift), Egypt. Petrie Museum

His significance grew in the Middle Kingdom when he changed into even more intently related with Horus because the deity Min-Horus. By the New Kingdom he was additionally fused with Amun in the form of Min-Amun, who was once also the serpent Irta, a kamutef (the "bull of his mother" - aka father of his personal mom in addition to her son). Min as an independent deity used to be additionally a kamutef of Isis. One of Isis's many places of cult throughout the valley was at Min's temple in Koptos as his divine spouse.[6] Min's shrine was once crowned with a couple of bull horns.[5]

As the central deity of fertility and perhaps orgiastic rites, Min became known by the Greeks with the god Pan. One characteristic of Min worship was the wild prickly lettuce Lactuca virosa and Lactuca serriola of which is the domestic version Lactuca sativa (lettuce) which has aphrodisiac and opiate qualities and bring latex when reduce, perhaps identified with semen. He additionally had connections with Nubia. However, his primary centers of worship remained at Coptos and Akhmim (Khemmis).[7]

Belemnite proven on left of Min

Male deities as cars for fertility and potency rose to prevalence on the emergence of well-liked agriculture. Male Egyptians would paintings in agriculture, making bountiful harvests a male-centered instance. Thus, male gods of virility comparable to Osiris and Min had been more developed right through this time. Fertility used to be now not related to only women, however with males as well, even increasing the position of the male in childbirth.[8] As a god of male sexual potency, he used to be honoured all over the coronation rites of the New Kingdom, when the Pharaoh was once expected to sow his seed—typically idea to were plant seeds, even though there were controversial ideas that the Pharaoh was expected to demonstrate that he may ejaculate—and thus ensure that the once a year flooding of the Nile. At the start of the harvest season, his image used to be taken out of the temple and delivered to the fields within the festival of the departure of Min, the Min Festival, once they blessed the harvest, and played games bare in his honour, a very powerful of those being the mountain climbing of an enormous (tent) pole. This four day festival is evident from the good fairs record at the temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu.[6][9]

Cult and worship within the predynastic duration surrounding a fertility god used to be primarily based upon the fetish of fossilized belemnite.[8] Later symbols extensively used had been the white bull, a barbed arrow, and a mattress of lettuce, that the Egyptians believed to be an aphrodisiac. Egyptian lettuce was tall, directly, and launched a milk-like sap when rubbed, traits superficially similar to the penis. Lettuce used to be sacrificially introduced to the god, then eaten by means of males so that you can reach potency.[8] Later pharaohs would supply the primary culmination of harvest to the god to ensure plentiful harvest, with data of choices of the first stems of sprouts of wheat being presented during the Ptolemaic period.[8]

Civilians who were not in a position to formally practice the cult of Min paid homage to the god as sterility was once an unfavourable situation regarded upon with sorrow. Concubine figurines, ithyphallic statuettes, and ex-voto phalluses have been positioned at entrances to the houses of Deir el-Medina to honor the god in hopes of curing the disability.[8] Egyptian girls would touch the penises of statues of Min in hopes of being pregnant, a practice nonetheless persevered today.[8]


In Egyptian art, Min used to be depicted as an anthropomorphic male deity with a masculine frame, coated in shrouds, wearing a crown with feathers, and regularly keeping his penis erect in his left hand and a flail (relating to his authority, or slightly that of the Pharaohs) in his upward facing correct hand. Around his forehead, Min wears a pink ribbon that trails to the ground, claimed via some to constitute sexual power. The legs are bandaged on account of his chthonic drive, in the similar approach as Ptah and Osiris.[6] His pores and skin was generally painted black, which symbolized the fertile soil of the Nile.[10][11][12]


In Hymn to Min it is mentioned:

Min, Lord of the Processions, God of the High Plumes, Son of Osiris and Isis, Venerated in Ipu...

Min's better halves had been Iabet and Repyt (Repit).

See also

List of Egyptian deities


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Further studying

McFarlane, Ann. (1995). The God Min to the End of the Old Kingdom. Australian Center for Egyptology. ISBN 9780856686788.

External hyperlinks

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Min (god).Site on Min, with some picturesvteAncient Egyptian faithBeliefs Afterlife Creation myths Isfet Maat Maa Kheru Mythology Numerology Osiris fable Philosophy SoulPractices Canopic jars Embalming ritual Funerals Mortuary temples Offering system Opening of the mouth Pyramids Temples Veneration of the deadDeitiesOgdoad Amun Amunet Heh Hauhet Kek Kauket Nu NaunetEnnead Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Isis Set NephthysTriadsTheban Triad A Aker Akhty Amesemi Ammit Am-heh Anat Andjety Anhur Anput Anubis Anuket Apedemak Apep Apis Apt Aqen Arensnuphis Ash Assessors Astarte Aten B Babi Banebdjedet Bastet Bat Bata Ba-Pef Bennu Bes Buchis C Cavern deities D Dedun Dionysus-Osiris F Four sons of Horus Duamutef Hapi Imset Qebehsenuef G Gate deities H Ha Hapi Hathor Hatmehit Hedetet Hedjhotep Heka Hemen Hemsut Heqet Hermanubis Hesat Horus Harpocrates Heryshaf Hu I Iabet Iah Iat Ihy Imentet Imhotep Iunit Iusaaset Okay Kebechet Khensit Khenti-Amentiu Khenti-kheti Khepri Kherty Khnum Khonsu Kothar-wa-Khasis M Maahes Ma'at Mafdet Mandulis Medjed Mehen Mehet-Weret Mehit Menhit Meret Meretseger Meskhenet Min Mnevis Montu Mut N Nebethetepet Nebtuwi Nefertem Nehebkau Nehmetawy Neith Nekhbet Nemty Neper P Pakhet Petbe Ptah Q Qebui Qetesh R Ra Raet-Tawy Rem Renenutet Renpet Repyt Resheph S Sah Satis Sebiumeker Sekhmet Seker Serapis Serket Seshat Shai Shed Shesmetet Shezmu Sia Sobek Sopdet Sopdu Souls of Pe and Nekhen T Tatenen Taweret Tayt Ta-Bitjet Thoth Hermes Trismegistus Tjenenyet Tutu U Unut W Wadjet Wadj-wer Weneg Wepset Wepwawet Werethekau WosretCreatures Aani Abtu Griffin Hieracosphinx Medjed Serpopard Sha Sphinx UraeusCharacters Dedi Djadjaemankh Rededjet UbaonerLocations Aaru Akhet Benben Duat Land of Manu The IndestructiblesSymbolsand gadgets Ankh Atef Cartouche Crook and flail Crown of justification Deshret Djed Egyptian obelisk Egyptian pool Eye of Horus Eye of Ra Hedjet Hemhem crown Hennu Imiut fetish Khepresh Kneph Menat Nebu Nemes Neshmet Ouroboros Pschent Scarab Serekh Shen ring Solar barque Tyet Ushabti Vulture crown Was-sceptre Winged sunWritings Amduat Books of Breathing Book of Caverns Book of the Dead Book of the Earth Book of Gates Book of the Heavenly Cow Book of Traversing Eternity Coffin Texts The Contendings of Horus and Seth Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld Great Hymn to the Aten Litany of the Eye of Horus Litany of Re Pyramid Texts Spell of the Twelve CavesFestivals Beautiful Festival of the Valley Cattle depend Coronation of the pharaoh Min festival Opet Festival Sed festivalRelated religions Atenism Gnosticism Hermeticism Kemetism Mysteries of Isis Temple of Set Thelema  Ancient Egypt portal Authority regulate GND: 118734016 SUDOC: 027664120 Retrieved from ""

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